Pedro Parreira, PhD

College of Nursing of Coimbra. Doctorate from the Higher Institute of Labor and Business Sciences “Thesis title: Organizational effectiveness in hospital context: the impact of complexity on leadership”. Area of specialization: Management, specialized in Organization and Development of Human Resources. Papers in national/international periodical with referees: 17.

José Vilelas, PhD

School of Health of the Portuguese Red Cross. 2011 – PhD “New Contexts of Psychological Intervention in Education, Health and Quality of Life” at the Miguel Torga Higher Institute in Coimbra, in partnership with the University of Extremadura in Badajoz. His thesis is called “Vocal Health in the teachers of the 3rd cycle of the Setubal Peninsula”. Papers in national / international periodicals with referees: 14.

João Ralha, PhD

PhD in Business Management Applied by ISCTE-IUL (2012), approved with distinction and praise. Dissertation entitled “Perceived determinants of the managerial effectiveness of performance management, in municipalities”. MBA with specialization in Marketing – Catholic U. (1994); Graduate Business Management – Catholic University (1981). Consultant and trainer in management, since 1991, in companies, non-profit entities, IPSS’s, central government agencies and municipalities; Specialist in measurement and improvement of performance and systems of planning and control of management. Guest lecturer in the General Management Program of FCEE of the Portuguese Catholic University (1995/2007).

Dr. Paulo Joaquim Pina Queirós

PhD in Development in Psychological Intervention by UEx. Spain, with registration in the University of Coimbra, dissertation with title “Burnout in the work and conjugal in Portuguese nurses”, Master in Occupational Health by the Faculty of Medicine of Coimbra, degree in Rehabilitation and History Nursing (EEAF and Fac. Letters UC). Professor Coordinator at ESEnfC, Researcher, member of the committee and scientific council of the Health Sciences Research Unit – Nursing (UICISA-E) and Joanna Briggs Institute – Portugal (JBI), Coordinator of the UCP-Fundamentos de Enfermagem of ESEnfC.

Maria do Céu Monteiro, MsC

Master’s Degree in Nursing, Specialization in Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing, 2011, by the Polytechnic School of Health of the Portuguese Catholic University (UCP)

Dissertation: “Promotion of Mental Health – An action strategy; Reinsertion of the person with mental illness and the Family as a partner in the care.

Sandra Maria Jesus Reis, MsC

Master’s degree in Human Resource Development Policies, 2012, by Higher Institute of Labor and Enterprise Sciences – Lisbon University (ISCTE – IUL)

Dissertation: “Background of Proactive Behavior in Work Context and its Effects on Professional Performance”

Jina Oh, PhD

Associate Professor, Department of Nursing, Inje University, Republic of Korea (South Korea). PhD. “The development of a program promoting adjustment and its effectiveness for school aged children’s hospital life”. REVIEWER EXPERIENCE: Asian Nursing Research, Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing, Journal of Korean Academy of Child health Nursing, Journal of Nursing Education and Practice.

Associate Professor, Dept. of Nursing, Inje University, Busan, S.Korea. Visiting scholar North Carolina Central University, NC, USA. . INTERNATIONAL PAPERS: 21 articles in Medical journals with impact factor.

Imtiaz Ahmed Abbasi, PhD

Senior Scientist, Physical & Nuclear Chemistry – Pakistan Institute of Nuclear Science & Technology (PINSTECH). Assistant Professor/Lecturer in Postgraduate college, BAGH (AJK) Pakistan for >20 years. As Researcher Senior Scientist in Pakistan Institute of Nuclear Science & Technology (PINSTECH), Nilore, Islamabad-Pakistan 4 years, author of several articles in various Journal’s with high impact factor.

Title of paper: Separation of carrier- free 103Pd and 109Pd by spontaneous electro-deposition, Journal of Radioanalytical & Nuclear Chemistry (Hungary); Preparation and pre-clinical study of 177Lu -labelled hydroxyapatite for application in radiation synovectomy of small joints, Q J Nucl Med Mol Imaging (Italy); Studies on 177Lu -labeled methylene diphosphonate as potential bone-seeking radiopharmaceutical for bone pain palliation, Nuclear Medicine and Biology (US).

Vesna Stojanović, PhD

PhD thesis 2010. „The influence of erythropoietin and hypothermia on the damaged kidneys of rats during perinatal asphyxia“. TEACHING: 2004-2011. – Teaching and Research Assistant in Pediatrics for Students of School of Medicine and Nursing School in Novi Sad, the Department of Pediatrics, School of Medicine, Novi Sad, Serbia. 2011.

Present – Assistant professor in Pediatrics for Students of School of Medicine and Nursing School in Novi Sad, the Department of Pediatrics, School of Medicine, Novi Sad, Serbia. EDUCATIONS: – 2011: Visiting Felowship (2 months) – Schneider Children’s Medical Center of Israel, Tel Aviv, Izrael – 2008: Visiting Felowship (1 month) – Children Hospital, Birmingem, Velika Britanija. INTERNATIONAL PAPERS: 15 articles in Medical journals with impact factor.

Maria Cláudia Moreira da Silva, PhD

Master and PhD in Nursing by the School of Nursing of the University of São Paulo (2000 and 2007), area of concentration of Adult Health. She has experience in Nursing, teaching at the secondary level, undergraduate and postgraduate, mainly in the following subjects: intensive care, intensive care units, education, training and personnel development. PhD in Nursing in Adult Health (CAPES Concept 6).

Universidade de São Paulo, USP, Brasil. Título: Fatores relacionados com a alta, óbito e readmissão em unidade de terapia intensiva, Ano de Obtenção: 2007. Associação Santa Marcelina – Faculdades Santa Marcelina, Unidade Itaquera. Sao Paulo, SP – Brasil. INTERNATIONAL PAPERS: SILVA, Maria Claudia Moreira da ; SOUSA, Regina Marcia Cardoso de . Fatores associados com óbito e readmissão em unidade de terapia intensiva. Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem (USP. Ribeirão Preto. Impresso), v. 19, p. 911-919, 2011. / SILVA, Maria Claudia Moreira da ; SOUSA, Regina Marcia Cardoso de ; PADILHA, K. G. . Patient destination after discharge from ICU: wards or intermediate care units?. Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem (USP. Ribeirão Preto. Impresso), v. 18, p. 224-232, 2010. / PADILHA, K. G. ; SOUSA, Regina Marcia Cardoso de ; SILVA, Maria Claudia Moreira da ; Rodrigues . Disfunções orgânicas de pacientes internados em unidades de terapia intensiva segundo o Logistic Organ Dysfunction System. Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da USP (Impresso), v. 43, p. 1250-1255, 2009. /SILVA, Maria Claudia Moreira da ; PADILHA, K. G. ; SOUSA, Regina Marcia Cardoso de . Terapeutic Intervention scoring system-28 (TISS 28 -28): Diretrizes para aplicação. Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da USP (Impresso), São Paulo, v. 39, n. 2, p. 229-233, 2005.

Karina Mary de Paiva, PhD

Graduated in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology (2004). Master in Public Health, Faculty of Public Health, University of São Paulo – FSP / USP (2010), in the Epidemiology concentration area. Specialist in Planning, Management and Evaluation in Collective Health, Federal University of Espírito Santo – UFES (2008).

Specialist in Oral Motricity with approach in Hospital Dysphagia by the Specialization Center in Clinical Speech Therapy – CEFAC/RJ(2007). Currently PhD in Public Health at the Department of Epidemiology at the Faculty of Public Health at the University of São Paulo – FSP/USP. Areas of interest: Population Aging, Audiology of Aging, Hearing Health, Environmental Noise, Health Surveys and Epidemiology. Paiva K M ; Maciel, PMA; CINTRA, L. G. . Understanding the elderly user of hearing aids. Science and Collective Health (Print), v. 16, p. 15-21, 2011. Paiva K M ; Maciel, PMA; CINTRA, L. G. . Understanding the elderly user of hearing aids. Science and Collective Health (Print), v. 16, p. 15-21, 2011. INTERNATIONAL ARTICLES: Paiva K M ; Caesar CLG ; ALVES, M. C. G. P. ; Barros M ; Carandina L; Golbaum M. Aging and self-reported hearing loss: a population-based study. Public Health Notebooks (ENSP. Printed), v. 27, p. 1292-1300, 2011. / Oliveira ERA ; GOMES, M.J.; Paiva, K. M. . Institutionalization and quality of life of the elderly in the metropolitan region of Vitória – ES. Anna Nery School, v. 15, p. 618-623, 2011. / Farias N ; Paiva KM . AIDS mortality in the city of São Paulo and social inclusion/exclusion indicators, 2003 to 2005.. BEPA. Paulista Epidemiological Bulletin (Online), v. 70, p. 4-12, 2009.

José Carmelo Adsuar Sala, PhD

Degree in Sciences of Physical Activity and Sport (07/2004). Doctorate in Sports Science Motricity Program (30/2011).

Silvana Sidney Costa Santos, PhD

Graduated in Nursing and Obstetrics with Qualification in Public Health from the Federal University of Pernambuco (1982). Graduated in Nursing Degree from the Federal University of Pernambuco (1984).
Specializations: Community Health Nursing from UFPE (1987), Hospital Administration from São Camilo (1989), Public Health from São Camilo (1990), Higher Education Methodology from the University of Pernambuco (1991). Master in Nursing from the Federal University of Paraíba (1997). PhD in Nursing from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (2003). Associate Professor I at the School of Nursing at the Federal University of Rio Grande (FURG/RS), at undergraduate, master’s and doctoral levels. Experience in Nursing and Gerontology, with emphasis on Gerontogeriatric Nursing, Education in Nursing/Health and Public Health. She holds a degree in Gerontology from the Brazilian Society of Geriatrics and Gerontology – SBGG (1997). Organizer and leader of the Study and Research Group in Gerontogeriatrics, Nursing/Health and Education (GEP-GERON/FURG-CNPq). She is a Nursing Course Evaluator (authorization, recognition and renewal of recognition) of Inep/Ministry of Education. She studies Complexity, according to Edgar Morin. Research Productivity Scholarship 2 (CNPq).

Thiago Costa

Graduated in Physical Education UNIBAN (Universidade Bandeirante de São Paulo) – Specialist in Physical Activity and Health USP (University of São Paulo), Author of Several Abstracts in several important congresses with the theme of aging, member of the ad hoc evaluators body of several national and international magazines, Invited Professor at EEFE USP (School of Physical Education and Sport) in the disciplines Adapted Physical Education I and II (under the responsibility of Prof. Dr. Luzimar Teixeira), I also collaborated as a professor and researcher at NAFAS ( Center for Adapted Physical Activity and Health) – CEPEUSP USP. Graduating in the Bachelor’s Degree in Gerontology at the University of São Paulo. Professor of the specialization course in Gerontology and Geriatrics at the institutions Líder (Manaus) and Centro Universitário Ingá (Maringá) – Brazil
Experience in lines of research in the area of ​​aging and physical exercise, chronic diseases and physiological and pathological changes associated with aging.

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