Original Articles:

Including experimental studies or almost experimental, program evaluation, effective cost analyzes, analyzes in decision and studies about performance evaluation of diagnose exams for population screening. Each article must have clear goals and hypothesis, drawing and used methods, results, discussion and conclusions. They also include theoretical essays (reviews and formulation of relevant theoretical knowledge) and Articles dedicated to the presentation and discussion of methodical aspects and used techniques in the research in public health. In this case, the text must be organized by topics to guide the readers though the essential elements on the developed argument.

It is recommended to the author that before submitting their article, they use the following “checklist”:

  • Equator Network overview of reporting guidelines;
  • CONSORT Statement checklist and flow chart for controlled and randomized essays (Consolidated Standards Of Reporting Trials);
  • STARD Statement checklist and flow chart for diagnostic studies (Standards for Reporting Studies of Diagnostic Accuracy);
  • MOOSE Statement checklist and flow chart for meta-analyzes of observational studies (proposal for reporting meta analyses of observational studies in epiodemiology);
  • PRISMA Statement (formerly QUOROM) checklist and flow chart for systematic reviews and with/without meta-analyzes;
  • STROBE Statement (& STREGA) checklist and flow chart for observational studies in epidemiology (Strengthening the Reporting of Observational studies in Epidemiology);
  • STARLITE Statement checklist and flow chart for literary reviews (Standards for Reporting Literature searches);
  • COREQ checklist for reporting checklist and flow chart for quality studies with interviews or focus groups (qualitative research interviews and focus groups).

Additional information:

They should have up to 5000 words, excluding abstracts, tables, figures and references. The tables and figures, limited to 5 in the set, should include only the essential data, avoiding very long tables. Figures should not repeat data already described in tables.

Bibliographical references, limited to around 35, should include only those that are strictly relevant and relevant to the issues addressed. Excessive number of references should be avoided in a single citation.

Abstracts should be presented in structured format, with up to 300 words, containing the items: Objective, Methods, Results and Conclusions.

Type of articles:

Original Articles – The presentation structure should be the following: Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion, although other formats can be accepted. The Introduction should be short, defining the problem studied, synthesizing its importance and highlighting the knowledge gaps that will be addressed in the article. Data sources, population studied, sampling, selection criteria, analytical procedures, among others, should be described comprehensively and completely. The Results section should be limited to describing the results found without including interpretations / comparisons. The text should complement and not repeat what is described in tables and figures. Discussion should include authors ‘assessment of study limitations, comparison of findings with the literature, authors’ interpretation of the results and their main implications, and the possible indication of the paths for further research. Qualitative research papers may join the Results and Discussion sections, or even have differences in the naming of the parts, but respecting the rationale of the structure of scientific articles.

Brief Communications – Short reports of findings that are of interest, but do not involve a more comprehensive analysis and a structured discussion.

Revision Articles:

Systematic review and meta-analysis – Through the synthesis of results from original, quantitative or qualitative studies, the objective is to answer the specific question and of relevance to public health. It describes in detail the search process of the original studies, the criteria used to select those that were included in the review and the procedures used in the synthesis of the results obtained by the reviewed studies (which may or may not be meta-analysis procedures).

Narrative / critical review – The narrative review or critical review is descriptive discursive character, dedicating itself to the comprehensive presentation and discussion of topics of scientific interest in the field of Public Health. It must present a clear formulation of a scientific object of interest, logical argumentation, theoretical and methodological criticism of the works consulted and conclusive synthesis. It should be developed by researchers with experience in the field in question or by experts of recognized knowledge.


The concept of authorship is based on the substantial contribution of each of the individuals listed as authors, especially as regards the design of the research project, data analysis and interpretation, drafting and critical review. The contribution of each of the authors should be explained in a statement for this purpose (see template). The names of authors below the title of the article are limited to 12.

Open Access:

By “open access” to scientific literature with peer review, we mean its free availability on the Internet, allowing any user to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or reference the full text of these articles, collect them for indexing, enter them as data in software, or use them for any other legal purpose, without financial, legal or technical barriers that are not inseparable from the Internet access itself. The only restrictions on reproduction or distribution, and the only role for _copyright_ in this field, should be to give authors control over the integrity of their work and the right to be duly recognized and quoted”.

Manuscript Selection Process:

Preparing the Manuscripts:

Must be typed in extension. Doc, with Arial letters, body 12, with 1.5 spaces, page size A-4, including abstracts, acknowledgments, references and tables. All pages should be numbered.

The ethical criteria of the research must be respected. In order to do so, the authors must explain in Methods that the research was conducted within the standards required by the Declaration of Helsinki and approved by the ethics committee of the institution where the research was conducted.


Manuscripts are accepted in Portuguese, French, Spanish and English. For those submitted in Portuguese the option of translating the full text into English and the additional publication of the English version is offered. Regardless of the language used, all manuscripts must present two abstracts, one in Portuguese and one in English, or Spanish, or French.

Identification Info:

  1. Title of the article – should be concise and complete, limited to 93 characters, including spaces. The title version must be presented in Portuguese, English and Spanish
  2. The surname and name of each author.
  3. Institution to which each author is affiliated, together with his address (one institution per author) and academic title.
  4. Name and address of the author responsible for exchanging correspondence (email)
  5.  If subsidized, state the type of aid, the name of the funding agency and the number of the grant.
  6. If it was based on thesis, indicate the name of the author, title, year and institution where it was presented.
  7. If presented at a scientific meeting, indicate the name of the event, place and date of the event.


They should be indicated between 3 and 6, extracted from the vocabulary “Descriptors in Health Sciences” (DeCS) (, when accompanying the abstracts in Portuguese, and the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) ( for abstracts in English. If no descriptors are available to cover the subject of the manuscript, terms or expressions of known use may be indicated.


Mention should be made of the names of persons who provided intellectual contribution to the work, provided they do not meet the requirements to participate in the authorship. There must be express permission of the nominees (see document Responsibility for Thanks). This may also include thanks to institutions for financial or logistical support.


The references shall be organizing alphabetically, numbered and normalized according to the APA American Psychological Association.



Hoeck, S., François, G., Van der Heyden, J., Geerts, J., & Van Hal, G. (2011). Healthcare utilization among the Belgian elderly in relation to their socio-economic status. Health Policy(Amsterdam, Netherlands), 99(2), 174-182. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.

Gill, R., & Stewart, D. (2011). Relevance of gender-sensitive policies and general health indicators to compare the status of South Asian women’s health. Women’s Health Issues: Official Publication Of The Jacobs Institute Of Women’s Health, 21(1), 12-18. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.


Herwood, J., & Edwards, T. (2006). Decolonization: a critical step for improving Aboriginal health. In E. Willis, V. Smye, M. Rameka (Eds.) , Advances in Contemporary Indigenous Healthcare (pp. 178-190). Sydney, Australia: eContent Management Pty Ltd. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.

Book Chapter’s:

Kearney-Nunnery, R. (2008). Chapter 16: Healthy initiatives for at-risk populations. In Advancing Your Career: Concepts of Professional Nursing (pp. 289-314). Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: F.A. Davis Company. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.

Tsai, T. (2006). Nursing partnerships in Indigenous health. In E. Willis, V. Smye, M. Rameka (Eds.) , Advances in Contemporary Indigenous Healthcare (pp. 264-266). Sydney, Australia: eContent Management Pty Ltd. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.

For other examples:

we recommend consult the document “Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals: Writing and Editing for Medical Publication” (

Personal communication – isn’t considered a bibliographic reference. When essential, it may the quoted in the text, explaining in the foot notes the necessary dada. Quotes of non-indexed documents shouldn’t be quoted in the scientific world literature and of hard access to the reader’s in general of circumscribed disclosure to an institution or event; when relevant, they should remain in the foot note pages of the quotations. In the same way, information quoted in the text, extracted from the electronic documents, not maintained permanently in web-sites, shouldn’t be part of the reference list, but may be quoted in the foot notes of the quoting pages. .

Quotation in the Text – If two authors are quoted, both are connected by the conjunction “and”; if it’s more than two, first to be quoted is the first author followed by the expression “et al”. The precision of the constant references of the listing and the correct quoting in the text are responsibility of the author(s) of the manuscript.

Charts – Should be presented separately from the text, consecutively numbered with Arabic numerals, in the order of quotation in the text. To each one must be given a brief title, not using the internal horizontal traces. The explaining notes must be put in the foot notes of the charts and not at the header or title. If there is s chart extracted from another paper, previously published, the authors must seek permission from the journal that published it, in writing, in its reproduction. This permit must companion the submitted manuscript to publishing.

Frames – are identified as Charts, following a single numeral throughout the text.

Figures – The illustrations (photographs, drawings, charts, etc.) must be quoted as figures. They should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals, in the order in which they were quoted in the text; they must be identified outside the text, by numbers and a brief title of the paper; the subtitles must be presented in the end of the figure; the illustrations must be clear enough to allow it’s reproduction, with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi. It isn’t allowed for the figures to represent the same dada as the chart. There aren’t acceptable graphics with gridlines, and the elements (bars, circles) can’t have any volume (3-D). Colored figures are exceptionally published. In the subtitles of the figures, the symbols, arrows, numbers, letters and other signs must be identified and its meaning clear. If there is a. Extracted figure from another paper, previously published the authors must ask for authorization, in writing, for its reproduction. This permit must companion the submitted manuscript to publishing.

Submit Manuscript