Manuel Lopes, PhD
PhD in Nursing by the Porto University. Master in Nursing Sciences and graduate in Nursing of Mental Health and psychiatry. Member of the scientific Board of the Portuguese society of Geriatrics and Gerontology. Member of the Scientific Board of Good Practices in Health. Director of the Superior Nursing School of Évora university. Reviewer of several scientific journals. Pro-principal of Évora university.
Rui Fontes, RN
Technical Director of SBSI / SAMS Senior Home and President of the Friends of the Great Association. Graduated exclusively in in health management of the Portuguese Catholic University, took leadership to the change of the ICN/OE, IEFP trainer and guest lecturer at the Fernando Pessoa University. Co-author of the Organizational Management Course for Nursing Homes and Resting Homes and was coordinator of the Post-Graduation in Management of Equipment for the Elderly.
Felismina Rosa Parreira Mendes
Director of the Nursing School of São João de Deus, University of Évora. Has published 63 articles in specialized journals and 30 papers in events proceedings, has 10 book chapters and 9 books published. Has 57 technical production items. She participated in 11 events abroad and 31 events in Portugal. Works in the area of Health Sciences; In her professional activities she interacted with 174 collaborators in co-authorship of scientific works.
Vítor Soares, MsC
Specialist in Medical-Surgical Nursing, Masters Course in Medical-Surgical Nursing: Specific Area of Oncology, Scientific and Pedagogical Coordinator: Post Graduation Complex Wound Management: An Approach to Good Practices (2009-2022), Coordinator, Wound Training Group (GFF), Western Hospital Center (2009-2014)Special Consultant for the AAGI-ID Wound Care Area, author of several scientific articles, collaboration on literary works in the field of Nursing.
José Alberto Parraça, PhD
Cáceres, España. Work degree: Title: Influence of the grade of knee flexion on mechanical and electromyographical impact during the whole body vibration exercise. INTERNATIONAL PAPERS (JCR): Tilt vibratory exercise improves the dynamic balance in fibromyalgia: A randomized controlled trial. Gusi N, Parraca JA, Olivares PR, Leal A, Adsuar JC. Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken).
Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken). 2010 Aug;62(8):1072-8 / Effects of Neuromuscular Responses duringWhole BodyVibrationExercise with different knee angles. Gusi N, Parraca JA, Adsuar JC, Olivares PR, Leal A. Biology of Sport. 2011;28:199-205. / Tilting Whole Body Vibration improves Quality of Life in women with Fibromyalgia: a randomized controlled trial. Gusi N, Olivares PR, Parraca JA, Adsuar JC, Leal A. J Altern Complement Med. 2011 Aug;17(8):723-8. Epub 2011 Jul 12. / Whole Body Vibration improves the single-leg stance static balance in patients with fibromyalgia. Gusi N, Parraca JA, Olivares PR, Adsuar JC. J Sports Med Phys Fitness-Id nr.: JSMPF-2010-3424 – IN PRESS. / Test-Retest reliability of Biodex Balance SD on physically old people. Parraca JA, Olivares PR, Carbonell-Baeza A, Aparicio VA, Adsuar JC Gusi N. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise. VOLUME 6, ISSUE 2, June 2011, pp 444-451, doi:10.4100/jhse.2011.62.25. / Whole-body vibration effects in patients affected with Parkinson´s disease: a systematic literature review. Del Pozo B, Adsuar JC, Parraca JA, Olivares PR, Gusi N. Revista Andaluza de Medicina del Deporte. ISSN 1888-7546 – IN PRESS. / 7. Test-retest reliability of isometric and isokinetic knee extension and flexion in patients with fibromyalgia: evaluation of the smallest real difference. Jose C. Adsuar, Pedro R. Olivares, Del Pozo-Cruz B, Jose A. Parraca, Narcís Gusi. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation – 2011.Aug 26. Epub ahead of print. / Using whole-body vibration training in patients affected with common neurological diseases: a systematic literature review. Borja del Pozo-Cruz; Jose C. Adsuar, Jose A Parraca, Jesús del Pozo-Cruz, Pedro R. Olivares, Narcis Gusi. Journal of Alternative and ComplementaryMedicine – JACM-2010-0691. IN PRESS / Effects ofWhole Body Vibration therapy onmain outcome measures for chronic non-specific low back pain: a single-blind randomized controlled trial.Borja del Pozo- Cruz, Miguel A. HernándezMocholí, Jose C. Adsuar Sala, Jose A Parraca; Inmaculada Muro, Narcis Gusi. J Rehabil Med. 2011 Jul;43(8):689-94
Ana Filipa Nunes Ramos
Nurse at Santa Maria Hospital, EPE – CHLN, Central Emergency Service.
Lara Manuela Guedes de Pinho
Adjunct Professor at the Department of Nursing at the University of Évora and Researcher at the Comprehensive Health Research Center (CHRC), University of Évora, Portugal. She holds a PhD in Nursing and Health from the Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Spain and a PhD in Psychology from the University of Aveiro, Portugal. She has the title of specialist in the area of Nursing (Decree-law n.º 206/2009), by the University of Évora, Portugal. Specialist in Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing. She is a member of the governing bodies of the Portuguese Society of Mental Health Nursing. He has participated in research studies at national and international level, in the area of mental health and aging. He has published several scientific articles and book chapters.
Ana Lúcia João
PhD in Nursing Sciences by Porto University and PhD in Psychology by Extremadura University. Specialized in the area of Nursing Rehabilitation. Professor
Armando David Sousa
Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing from the Ângelo da Fonseca School of Nursing (Coimbra) since 1998
Degree in Nursing from the University of Madeira since 2005
Specialist in Maternal and Obstetric Health Nursing by the Portuguese Red Cross since 2007
Master in Maternal and Obstetric Health Nursing from ESEL since 2018
Master of Nursing Management by ESEL since 2020
PhD student in Nursing at the University of Lisbon
Professor at the São José de Cluny Nursing School since 2019; Member of the Nursing Research and Development Center (Cidnur)